[ Last time, five special fictional characters were given five special rings. With their powers combined, they can form Captain Plotdevice. ] [ Alright, not really. ] (... But I was going to be heart. ;_;) [ What actually happened was about three hours worth of stuff right out of Through the Looking Glass, and then you basically got in a truck and got the hell out of Dodge, where 'Dodge' is 'Heidelstrass'. ] (Capital has a ring, right?) (*whacks Maimun with the wrench*) [ Your Lockrider companion has assured you that Madame Teros wants to meet you, and being naturally curious after all of that insanity you as a group decided to go meet her. ] [ It's been almost a day. Right now the time is around 11pm, but the moon is full so there's a pale light over everything. You're travelling the Iron Highway from Heidelstrass to Stromgarde and then on to Lucia. ] [ Stromgarde is close... a shining glint on the eastern horizon. Right now you're at Zircon Springs, a watering hole which is basically a natural spring and not much else. The Lockrider you were travelling with has gone off for the moment, leaving you and the truck to your devices. ] [ Go! ] * Theodore has been spending much of the past day making a second copy of all the notes he took, making the occassional correction or additional note as he works. He's nigh done, which is good, as he's going to mail them off in Stromgarde. * Khyra has taken the opportunity to get out of the vehicle, stretch her legs, and refill her canteen at the spring. * Magellan sits on the hood of the truck, having already stretched a little, and peers at Stromgarde, wrench wresting on his shoulder. He doesn't seem to be minding the late hour so much, even if he is old. (Oh, what did we do with our horses? Are we caravaning them along?) (I believe that was the plan.) * Khyra goes back to check on her horses. * Theodore, after finishing his current page, stretches, gets off the wagon and takes a cup from his trunk to go drink at the stream. (I should point out there've been other stops. The truck needs 'refueling' in the steam sense.) (This is likely such a stop.) (Oh, Mark, could we get an updated truck descrip now that we've seen it in motion for a while?) (Yes, Mark. Do that. ^_____^) * Maimun fills up his canteen and then goes to check on his horse as well, stretching a little as he walks. (* is currently having a quiet word with the gm about tech, please hold. ^^;) * Maimun pets Imad and says, "Are you doing alright, Imad?" The horse whinneys slightly, and he scratches it behind the ears. * Khyra produces two apples from her pack and gives one to each of her horses, saying something comforting to them as she does so. She looks over at Maimun. "How are you holding up?" * Mark's truck is an amaizing, if uncomfortable to ride in device, it travels at the speed of a slow running horse, and can keep it up for hours...untill it suddenly stops for a few hours while it's own gets out and sets a small windmill up into the winds coming down from the mountains. As previously stated it's much quiter than any steam engine that anybody has seen before, and doesn't belch out black smoke, but steam does occasionaly escape. * Maimun looks at the loud machine/wagon and then looks at Khyra, saying pleasantly, "I am fine, thanks. The... cart is a bit loud for me, however. And Imad too." He carefully pours a bit of water into his hands and lets Imad drink it. (NAturally, it only gets AM radio.) (I don't have a radio yet ;_;) (Er. Ha! Ha ha. I thought it was still a bit loud. Rats.) (The windmill is up now then, right?) * Mark is in the back of the truck diging out the last of the pieces of his wind mill. (Magellan churns butter!) (It is loud, but it's not the remove your eardrums loud of a steam locomotive) * Khyra looks back at the truck. "I find it interesting, but I have to admit that I prefer the more traditional way of traveling." * Theodore meanders back to the cart and takes out his sketch pad, he walks over to the horses after retrieving it. "Khyra, may I ask a small favor of you?" * Magellan turns to Mark. "Why wind, lad?" And nae coal? * Khyra looks over at Theodore. "Yes?" (BURNS CLEANER, YOU DEFILER OF NATURE!) * Maimun nods at Khyra's statement, then turns to look at Theodore as well. (Ecology doesn't even become possible till the Modern Age, and you need Aluminum as a resource, dammit! Cut him some slack! >_<) (...) * Mark emerges, "Can use coal, but this way I don't have to drag it around with me." Wind'n water are just about everywhere. After my failure with the map, I was thinking of practicing my free hand sketching. Would you perhaps indulge me by being a model while we wait? Aye.... have ye thought of usin' a goat? Then ye dinnae have te stop at all. * Khyra smiles brightly. "Certainly. I'd be very pleased to." * Mark tilts his head for a bit, and then shakes it, "Need too many to pull." * Theodore smiles back. "Thank you. Perhaps in front of..." He looks around for a moment. "Well, if I'm to give you a decent copy, it may take more than one stop. So I suppose the truck would be the logical backdrop." Nae te pull. Fer keepin' yer boiler warm, same as the wind. (...ew.) (Magellan is a genius, but he's an evil genius.) ( ... I meant in a treadmill on top. <_<) * Maimun turns back to Imad and pets him a bit. * Mark freezes up, and then starts to nod, "Never even thought of using animal power." * Khyra nods. "All right, then." She moves over to stand in front of the truck. "Where exactly do you want me?" (...har har har har har ahem.) [On that note, perception (hearing) checks!] Nae te take over yer project, but I'm old an I can say what pleases me. * Theodore stands back a bit. "Perhaps a bit to the left, and then just find a comfortable pose." * Khyra moves into position and poses! 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Khyra (2d6-2) and gets 5. 2d6-4 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Maimun (2d6-4) and gets 4. 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Mark (2d6) and gets 5. 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Magellan (2d6) and gets 9. (Woo me.) (I should probably describe her posing, but let's just say she's a performer and fairly good at it. ;p) (I'm also deaf. >_<) 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Theodore (2d6) and gets 6. (Your bird!) (Make) (Must be broken.) [ Everyone but Magellan notices something moving around in the tall grasses; the sound is fairly well hidden. It almost blends in with the sound of the spring. ] * Khyra fights the urge to turn her head and find out what is making the noise. She's a good model. * Theodore frowns and glances over to the grasses for a moment. ...'Sides, things could eat the goat. [Sight check for Teddy! +2 difficulty.] 2d6+2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Theodore (2d6+2) and gets 7. * Maimun isn't a model! So he turns away from Imad, still petting him idly, and looks at the moving grasses. [Same thing for Maimun.] (Make) 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Maimun (2d6-2) and gets 4. (Make) Well, ye take the same risk as a horse. An ye could always revert te the wind... [ They notice, among the dark blue of grass at night, some black. And at least one glint of metal. ] * Mark scratches at his chin, "true." * Khyra shoots a questioning glance at Theodore. * Mark kneals down and starts to draw on the ground. ...How fast does a goat walk? * Maimun slowly slips his other hand inside of his robe and continues looking over in that direction. It's like he's trying to make it not obvious he's looking. * Theodore keeps the frown. "Just stay there and be ready for a moment Khyra, I left the proper tool in my trunk." I dinnae know that, lad, I'm nae in the habit of timing goats for me own personal edification. * Theodore puts slight emphasis on being ready. He then proceeds over to the trunk. But I guess 3 or five miles per hour, close te a human. * Khyra nods slightly and briefly adjusts the cuffs of her blouse. [ Theodore gets as far as kneeling next to the trunk before there is the telltale click of crossbows being readied. Men in Mullenwald's national colors step out from behind the rocks of the spring, arrows pointed at all of you. "Hands up, in the name of the King!" ] * Mark nods, and starts drawing a diferent figure next to the first. (Maimun/Theo: This is NOT the direction you heard the noise from.) * Khyra blinks. Her eyes widen. "What is the meaning of this?" * Magellan looks up. "Ach, I just *knew* it twere a bad idea..." * Maimun glances at the crossbowmen and sighs, slightly. * Theodore puts his materials down and his hands up. "Certainly. What is the problem sirs?" He speaks with the calm detachment of one whose property the officials normally protect. * Mark mutters to himself, "don't have that gear...mhmmm." [ On closer inspection, there's ten of them. Only 5 have crossbows; 3 have pikes, and two have bastard swords. The ones with swords have the royal crest on their jerkins. They start to make a semicircle, and a few point their bows at Mark. "All of you, hands where we can see them. You're wanted for questioning in the disappearance of Magister Phillip Hartmann." ] 2d6-1 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Maimun (2d6-1) and gets 6. * Magellan nudges Mark with his boot. "Lad, ye best hold off fer now. Plenty o' time for that when we're rottin' in a prison cell." * Khyra slowly puts her hands up. Her eyes narrow. * Mark blinks and looks up at Mags, "Why would I do tha... Where'd they come from?" [ A bow suddenly swings Maimun-ward. "No sudden moves!" ] * Maimun raises his hands slowly, both of them, letting go of Imad. No sudden moves indeed. * Theodore calmly replies. "We did meet the Magister and, I did put what resources I had as a Godspeed at his disposal on his investigative mission. He subsequently got ahead of us in his enthusiasm to investigate, we were travelling to Stromgard to file an official report in person on the matter." * Magellan keeps his hands resting on the car hood in front of him. [ Imad's reins fall off the tether, untied. Not that it's doing him or his master any good at the moment. ] * Mark slowly stands up and keeps his hands where they can see them. [ The swordsmen raise an eyebrow at Theo. They don't seem too impressed. "Some pretty big claims you're making, mister. You can make your claims to the gurk." ] [ The 'gurk' is the sound of a man with a throwing knife in his throat. The lawmen look around, confused, and you get the benefit of surprise! Actions? ] (This look like a Luca knife?) (Definitely not. His were pretty distinctive, but this is a well-made but plain knife.) * Magellan grabs his wrench and slips off the front of the truck, crouching close to the ground, and waits to see what's going on. * Theodore keeps his hands up until he has a better appraisal of the situation. * Khyra glances down at her own hands for a moment, then looks beween Theodore and Maimun for direction. * Mark looks around, but it's mostly in confusion. Get down, ye fools! * Maimun does get down, and tries to look over to the grasses where he saw the glint earlier. He also slips one of his hands inside the robe again. [ Coincidentally, the knifed man is quite dead. Before he hits the ground an arrow, not a crossbow bolt, finds itself in the chest of one of the bowmen, who goes down in a heap. ] * Mark nods and then runs to that big rolling piece of cover he drives around. * Khyra ducks quickly, accompanied by a slight breeze. [ You're all momentarily forgotten as the swordsman remaining attempts to reassert control over the guards. "Fan out! Find them!" He points to two pikemen. "Make sure they don't get a gurk." Another one bites the dust. ] [ Actions? ] (God, Magellan is the one giving combat advice, you're all boned.) (we're fun loving group on non-combatants!) * Magellan hops up from his spot and makes a run for the swordsman, trying to just bowl him the hell over. * Khyra tries to get the truck between her and the source of the arrows and knives. If this means undignified crawling on the ground, so be it. Dignity comes second to staying alive! (He's dead, Jim.) * Theodore dives onto the wagon and then, while staying low, tries to get in the trunk for his pistol. He concentrates on staying low. (Oh, right. Well, uh, one of the pikemen, then.) (The swordsman, I mean. He got gurked.) (As a side note, on Spike right now? Star Trek 6.) * Maimun lets the old man do the stupid thing, and tries to spot one of their new murderous friends. [ Khyra manags to get crouching down next to Mark without reenacting a Vietnam buddy movie. Magellan catches the pikeman by surprise and slams into him like a cannonball, sending him flying into the spring. The other pikeman, recovering pretty quickly, goes to make with the stabby shortly before an arrow takes off his HAND. ] [ Theo makes a nice Solid Snake maneuver, rolling into the truck and coming up pistol in hand. *teethglint* ] [ Mark, uh... cowers. ] * Mark pats himself down, and after a few wrong pockets manages to find his own gun. (Sorry, I forgot to make a cheet sheet for Mark and was madly looking up my combat stats ^^;) (S'alright, we're not really rolling for this.) * Theodore then pulls a decidedly un-Solid snake maneuver and stays low in the truck, trying to keep largely out of sight. (Or he does that whenever we're on to next moves.) [ Five crossbowmen remain! They alternate between pointing their bows at you and swinging them wildly around. One of them must be new, because he takes a panicked couple of shots. One heads harmlessly into the grass; the other whizzes safely over Khyra and Mark's head. Everyone else proceeds to look panicked. ] [ Actions? ] (Note to self: invent cardboard box for Theo) (Also note to self, invent spotlight) (No, don't invent that last one.) [ Magellan stands up from his bull rush to find himself nose to nose with a crossbowman, in fact. ] (Do stuff! We got plot yet!) (Is the area mostly grass, or is there any dirt?) * Magellan swings for the legs with his wrench, trying to impose a lack of knees on the crossbowman. * Mark peers into the darkness for whoever the other person shooting at him is. (The road is dirt. The grass is tall grass. Your geomancies are Hell Ivy and Carve Model.) (Carve Model was Stop effect wasn't it?) (Petrify.) (Hell Ivy was stop.) (Ooh, makes me wish I'd taken a level or three of DS based on that... too late now! :P) * Khyra gestures a bit with her hands, and a strong wind kicks up some of the dust from the road and blows it at the guards' faces. * Theodore also calls out while he's ducking. "If you come for us, I surrender, but spare the lives of the King's men." His noble sentiment might have more pull if he actually was willing to make himself a target while he said that, but he's staying down instead. * Khyra turns her head suddenly, as if looking for something. [ Moments after Khyra does this, the dust devil suddenly becomes a Dust Devil DX, a cloud of grit blowing through like a mini tornado. It's at Mags' back as he sweeps the crossbowman off his feet... which triggers the crossbow, sending a bolt a hair's breadth from the old inventor's ear, nicking it. Hurts a bit but is unlikely to be fatal. ] Ach! * Khyra looks around her again. * Maimun continues to keep low, and keep his eyes on the grass. He gives glances to the crossbowmen as well. * Mark wonders at the dust devil for a bit and then mentaly writes it off as magic, he goes back to looking for the source of the dead gaurds. [ The crossbowmen that remain... a whole two... are rapidly accelerating in the opposite direction as the dust storm, which made picking out ANY details pretty hard, dies down. ] [ You all hear a voice in your head that sounds like an awfully bratty little kid who's way too pleased with himself. "Heehee! Act one, scene one, exeunt! Must prepare for scene two!" ] [ And because I'm nice, let's see a Soul check. +6 difficulty. ] 2d6+6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Theodore (2d6+6) and gets 14. 2d6+6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Mark (2d6+6) and gets 14. (Nope. :P) 2d6+6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Maimun (2d6+6) and gets 15. 2d6+6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Khyra (2d6+6) and gets 11. (Come on, Mags! Pull a Gideon!) 2d6+6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Magellan (2d6+6) and gets 13. * Khyra looks around frantically once more. "Wait! Who are you?" (Thanks for jinxing it, fucker.) (Oh, eat me. c.c;) * Theodore stays low but glances around from the back of the cart. [ There's nothing to see. Just the rustling of grass as if something WERE there, but no actual forms. "Heehee. Sorry if I do offend..." And then you are all quite sleepy. Incredibly sleepy. OMGZ. "...but rest assured, Robin will make amends." ] * Mark tries to look in the direction the voice came from, but there's nothing there... and then he decides to take a nice nap in the comfortable road. * Khyra struggles to lift her head once more, but falls asleep. * Theodore collapses in the back of the wagon, barely keeping his gun in his hand. * Magellan blinks, stupidly, and then thinks that the grass is an excellent place for Z. (It really is. OMGZ.) * Maimun starts to pull a knife from his robe... but ends up dropping it and topples, falling asleep. [ Time passes... ] [ Check for average of Body and Soul! No mod. ] 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Maimun (2d6) and gets 6. 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Mark (2d6) and gets 5. (Miss by 1.) 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Khyra (2d6) and gets 9. 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Theodore (2d6) and gets 8. (Nope) (Very much nope.) (Uh... I'd need a 4.5 so no) 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Magellan (2d6) and gets 2, a CRITICAL SUCCESS!!! "I wish I got to hand out more of these, really." (So much for jinxing it. :P) (Now he gets it!) (... that WAS a Gideon. Fail horribly, succeed awesomely.) [ Fade in on a dungeon cell, pretty stereotypical as far as those go, since there's not much variation on a theme there. When you find something that works, stick with it. ] [ Four of you are flat-out unconscious on the floor of a rather large cell, most certainly inside it. Awakening just now with a start is Magellan. Must be all the caffeine. ] [ Contents: Maimun, Theodore, Khyra, Mark. ] * Magellan sits up, abruptly. "... an' another thing, ye pipsqueak! .... eh?" (and our clothes one would hope.) (Well, you have those equipped.) * Magellan rubs his head briskly. "Oh." He glances around, noting that it is, in fact, a prison cell. His hand reflexively creeps down to his toolbelt, as if seeking its reassuring presence. [ It's gone. So is the hearing aid bird. ] (Mark and Maimun can start waking up on their own.) * Magellan 's eyes widen. ".... ah, fiddlesticks." (No fiddlefuckers? ;_;) (Saving it.) * Mark yawns and streaches out before reflexivly fumbling around for his glasses. [ No glasses either. ] (... thank god I didn't take the defect for that.) * Maimun mms slightly, and opens his eyes. He sits up and looks around, before saying, "We certainly seem to have a way with unconsciousness." * Mark opens his eyes, "where'd I put my ..." Nae before I met all of ye, tha's for sure. (Khyra and Theo can start waking up.) * Theodore stirs, his eyes aren't open yet though. * Khyra groans softly and opens her eyes. Then she sits bolt upright. "What happened? That accursed brat! Ow!" The last is accompanied by a hand to her forehead, as sitting up that quickly is definitely not recommended. [ You are clothed in your normal clothes, but are devoid of anything even remotely resembling a weapon or which could be worked into a lockpick. ] * Khyra 's hair has come loose from its braid, and falls in waves around her face. It would be pretty, normally, except her appearance is rather disheveled at the moment. I told ye ye'd be sittin' in a prison, lad. * Mark blinks at the wall farthest from him and then starts checking his coat for his glasses, "What happened?" * Khyra pats the cuffs of her blouse, then checks her boots, then runs her hands through her hair. She mutters something very unladylike as her checks fail to turn up any of her belongings. We were shafted. (...oh my god, OW, Cham. OW.) * Theodore slowly gets up. He takes a moment or two to get his bearings and then scowls. "Blast... Phillip I could explain, those dead guards...." (... suppose that was a pun.) * Maimun stands up slowly and rubs his wrists. He says with a frown on his face, "Well, none of us are wounded, just... lacking things, I assume?" * Khyra fumes. "How *dare* they treat us like this? Filthy guards must have had their hands all over me... ugh!" [ You do notice you have one thing left intact each: your tarot card. ] * Magellan also seems to totally be ignoring everyone but Mark, who he is right beside. * Khyra checks her cloak as well, and pulls the card from an inside pocket. "Apparently they didn't think to take this. They must not have thought it was important." * Mark widens his eyes, and then tries to squint at Maimun, "Guess so." * Magellan looks at Mark. "Eh?" (Hello, Felix. Hello, Oscar.) * Theodore looks over his possessions. "Perhaps, perhaps not. Someone appears to be playing with us, that may be part of the game." * Maimun starts to examine the walls and door of the cell. "It feels like a very poor game." I certainly didn't intend to play. [ Walls: Rock, rock, more rock, and very likely even more rock for yards and yards and yards. The door is just your standard steel bar affair. ] * Mark turns to the blurry thing that might be Mags and speaks up, "We arn't hurt, but don't have our stuff." * Khyra scowls. "They even took my hairpins." She angrily brushes a stray curl out of her face. We may not be players so much a pieces. Aye, I know that. Why are ye tellin me? Because you asked? (Are there any guards outside the door, or nearby, or anything?) Pawns. Lovely. (No guards in sight, but the dungeon is pretty dark. There's no real sound of footsteps.) I asked why ye said 'Guess so'. * Theodore sits down again and thinks. Because, Maimun said the same thing I said after I said that. * Khyra looks at her card again. * Maimun rubs his waist, and says quietly, "Whomever the invisible person was, they certainly were thorough." Mai... are they awake? [ It's certainly pretty. It is, in case you've forgotten, 'The Lovers'. ] * Magellan spins around, and squints a little. "Ach, so they be." [ It even says so. ] * Khyra glances at Maimun. "Do you think it was the invisible person?" Then she turns to Mark and snaps, "Of course we're awake!" She notices the lack of glasses. "...oh. You can't see, can you?" (Argh.) [ "I think it was the invisible person." Hey, I know that bratty voice! ] Well, if you were about fourty paces back I could see you just fine. (I somehow mixed up Mark and Magellan. Ah, well. She's mad enough to not care about these things. ;p) * Maimun starts, "I..." then he frowns. "Question answered." * Magellan looks at Khyra. ".... What are ye ... lass, I cannae hear a word ye be yappin'." * Khyra quirks an eyebrow. "If I had forty paces to move in, then I would." Then she hears the voice. "You again!" [ "Me again!" ] I hear that, though. What do you *want*? * Theodore stays sitting and thinking, and listening. * Mark looks like he's about to say something to Mags, but doesn't. (This is true. Even the deaf could hear it, not because it's loud but because it's in your HEAD.) [ Above Khyra's head a soap bubble-like colored sphere appears and pops, leaving a short elfin creature in dark green clothing sitting there, looking impish. He's sitting cross-legged in midair. "I wanna get you out. Well, I want to help you learn how to get out. If you'll do a favor for me." ] * Khyra looks up. "What kind of favor?" * Theodore looks at the elf. "Didn't you get us in here?" (elfin imp rather.) [ The elf/imp looks indignant. "I did not! The guards did when they came back and found you asleep, silly billy." ] * Mark backs up in a futile attempt to see what the green blurry thing is. * Magellan looks up at it, a bemused look on his face. And whose fault is it that we *were* asleep? [ He seems to give this some thought. "I'd say yours. Human bodies need sleep after all." ] * Maimun slowly turns to the elf/imp. Nae at that particular time, ye sprite. Odd coincidence that we all chose that moment to fall asleep. * Theodore takes a while to assess his situation. [ He then leans back in mid-air. "Full moon," he says dismissively. Then he flips upside down and looks Khyra in the face. "I want you to meet someone." ] * Khyra reflexively leans back a bit. "Oh? Who?" [ "Can't tell you. It's a friend, though. Not like that guy who sold you out back there." ] Sold us out? * Maimun mutters, a bit angrily, "The 'Lockrider' who barely passed as a Lockrider." * Theodore chuckles. "Sold us out to you or to the guard?" Maimun, why didn't you warn us? [ The elf/imp makes a gun with his fingers and points it at Maimun. "Bang! You're sharp." ] * Khyra is still staring at the sprite as long as he remains dangling in front of her face. * Magellan looks bemused at Maimun and Khyra. "What? What did he do?" * Mark looks confused. * Maimun says simply, "Considering that 'Madame Teros' didn't particularly pass as Lockrider either, I thought it part of her false mystique." Ah. Sadly, that makes sense. * Khyra looks over at Magellan. "The old man's gone deaf. Is it safe to yell?" [ The kid makes a pfft noise. "That old hag. Slower'n a tortoise." He flits across the room and hovers in front of Mark. "So you wanna get out? All you gotta do is meet this person. Then you're free to go." ] * Khyra raises an eyebrow. "Do tell." * Mark leans back, "I do, but I kinda need my stuff, and breaking out will make traveling hard." [ He pffts again. "Just gotta rewrite history." ] * Khyra laughs. "I'm sorry, what did you say?" ... mayhap it be because I only be hearing about a sixth of this conversation, but that made nae sense. [ "Rewrite history. Well, reality, really. Wanna know how?" ] * Theodore looks up at that. "Well... that is a means of escape I could approve of." * Maimun says, not that Mags will hear him, "It doesn't make sense even if you are hearing the whole conversation." * Mark thinks, "Probibly magic." [ The kid grins. "If you wanna call it that,sure." He spins again. "Robin'll teach you how, if you agree to meet." ] * Khyra looks to the group at large. "Well. I don't have any better ideas. Do you?" This is all nonsense, of course, but so has pretty much everything been since I got this. (waves card) * Theodore stands. "I could be amenable to this bargain. How far back could we rewrite history? To avoid the encounter with the guards entirely?" * Mark shakes his head when he thinks Khrya is looking in his direction, "Nothing here." [ The kid makes a face at Theo. "Doesn't work that way." ] How does it work then? [ He shakes a finger. "Promise me first." ] * Khyra slips the card back into her cloak pocket. * Theodore shakes his head. "The courts here are just and I'll have access to excellent attorneys. But I will extend some trust. If you tell me the end product, without telling me how this rewriting will happen, I will make the promise." * Maimun pauses for a second, then says, "It would probably be the easiest way for all of us to escape." [ The kid hmphs, making another face. "You got no faith, mister. Dunno why you're an oathkeeper." ] It would probably help if we knew what being that entailed as well. * Magellan leans back, looking strained as he tries to follow this. * Mark shrugs, "Maybe Robin will tell us what's going on?" [ "Geh. Fine!" He points a finger at Mark. "C'mere, Fool." ] Hey! * Theodore looks with slight annoyance at Mark's earlier non-commital comment but then watches with more interest. [ Robin looks exasperated. "Do you wanna get out or not?" ] * Mark thinks about that for a bit, "Yes I do, I also want to be able to see and back home." [ "One thing at a time, Mister Impatient. C'mere." ] (...and I have totaly forgotten how to play Mark o_o) (Heh, he wants things. :P) (In the interest of Z, let's speed this up a little. ^_^) * Mark walks twords the blury green thing! [ "'kay. Get outcher card." He does a little twirl, floating by the door." ] * Theodore walks over to Kahyra and comments in a low voice. "If this is another thing the voices in his head have already explained, I shall have to have a talk with that boy." * Mark checks pockets, me checks more pockets, me checks the pockets on the inside of his coat and finaly produces the Fool card, "Now what?" * Khyra murmers back, "I'll join you." [ The elf nods in satisfaction, then looks at the door. "What would you say's the probability that a flaw in the worksmanship of these here bars means putting pressure on one'll make the whole door collapse?" ] * Magellan stands up and follows Mark as nobody has seen fit to talk louder. (And in case you're fumbling for an answer, the mathetmatical or scientific one is "astronomically low".) Uhm...a flaw...probibly... One like that? Naaah. [ The elf hmmms. "You sure?" ] * Theodore stands back from the door. Perhaps he has a different estimate than Mark. Wouldn't somebody check for that? Like the guy who made it? [ "Sometimes people miss stuff,wouldn't you say?" ] He'd need te be as blind as I am deaf. [ He says, with a smirk, "Or someone who only works quick so he can nap." ] * Mark nods heasitantly, "It happens." [ "So... there's a million to one chance it might be that way, huh?" ] * Theodore keeps standing back. Nae for Imperial jobs. He'd lose his job fast enough te make his head spin. * Mark nods again, "Smaller than that." [ "But it exists?" ] * Khyra watches the proceedings with interest. Yeah, it could happen... [ The second Mark says those words, the card glows gold, and when it's done, is totally blank except for the border. Just... white space. No image, no text. ] * Maimun narrows his eyes at the elf's funny talk. [ Robin nods in satisfaction, flies over to the door, and gives a single bar a tap just below the ceiling. The entire door crumbles like so many Lincoln logs. ] (Noisily?) ... nae in a hundred years would I believe that. * Mark holds the glowing card out at arms length... and is on the other side of the cell with a surprising amount of quickness. (A little, but there's no sounds of anyone coming running.) * Khyra gapes. "Holy..." * Maimun jumps slghtly, then looks down at the mess of door. "That... is certainly helpful." I... [ Robin seems pleased. "See? He opened himself up to the chance that it might happen, so it did. The card just gave the world a little nudge." ] If it hadn't been for everything else we've been through, I would have said that I didn't just see that. So is his card used up for good? * Theodore quirks an eyebrow. "My, these cards are more powerful than I would have imagined." (For the record, any one of you knows easily that was not a spell. Spells involve chanting and a pretty light show.) * Maimun then steps out of the cell. "I will simply accept it as good fortune and leave it at that." * Mark holds his card up again and tries to look at it. [ The kid hangs upside down and shakes a finger. "They're just a tool. You can't do much with 'em yet because you're weak." He spins upright. "So now you get your stuff and you meet me at the Maiden of Irises in town at 10pm tomorrow." And with a soap bubble pop, he's gone. ] Where is my ... ... stuff. Wai- agh! [ Freedom beckons. Contents: A former cell door. ] * Magellan steps outside. "Time te get me my ears back." * Khyra stands up and brushes herself off. * Maimun shakes his head and looks down the hallway, both ways. * Theodore speaks up a bit so Magellan can hear. "Alright, if we get caught, our door collapsed and we went to inform a guard. If not, we were magicked away while we slept. Everyone agree?" * Mark ...pretty much does the same thing as Maimun just did, except with more squinting. [ There's more dungeon here. Off to the west is a dead end. To the east around an L curve is a big wooden door. ] * Khyra nods. "Fine. It would have helped if he'd told us where our things were, though. I assume they're not just sitting in a heap outside?" Aye, lad. * Magellan heads East! Sounds unbelievable enough to match the day, Theodore. * Maimun goes east! He walks lightly on his feet. How pointless of he. * Khyra follows Maimun. [ There is a door. Contents: The aforementioned door. ] * Mark follows a blurr that might be Maimun. * Theodore gestures to the remnents of the door. "After this, anything plausible would seem downright unlikely." * Magellan opens the aforementioned door! * Theodore follows Magellan. [ The door actually opens! Inside is a guard's ready room. With, uh... a guard in it. And a small, open chest containing... your stuff! Contents: Trouble. "Uh... weren't you just in your cell?" ] (Is he armed?) (He has a club.) (Screw that shit.) * Khyra smirks. "Yes. The door collapsed. We were just on our way to tell you." [ "...really?" He strains to look over your shoulders. ] * Mark nods, "I'd talk to the people who sold it to you." Really. * Magellan steps to inside the door. [ He looks past you and blinks. "Wow, you're right. Um... can you kinda go stand back inside it? You can't leave the dungeon 'cuz you're prisoners." ] ( Do you have any cells that still have doors?) Nae. Uhm... [ This... sort of confuses the poor kid. "You kinda gotta." ] I demand an unbroken cell, lad! Tis my right! (*cracks up*) (Ha!) (... Nice.) * Theodore puts a hand to his forehead, and chuckles. I been on this earth since ye were in swaddlin' clothes! I demand ye get up and put us in a cell with a door! * Khyra stifles a laugh. [ "That was the last one. Well, the last one we have a key for." ] (This seems entirely possible. Mullenwald isn't much for prisoners in the capital.) Then ye'll have te stand beside it. * Mark blinks, and mhms to himself. [ "Yeahbut... in here I have the tacta... tacon... tactical advantage 'cause of the small space." ] (About how far away is he?) (Couple feet.) But in here, you can't take us to another cell. * Maimun sighs noisily. (I'm giving him one minute before we do this the hard way.) [ "That's true." He pauses. "I guess we just gotta stay here instead." ] * Maimun tries to get past the people. "If we are staying here, do you have any cards?" * Mark gets pushed aside and looks thoughtfull. [ "Um..." He makes the rather stupid mistake of looking to the side. ] * Magellan takes a stride and leads with a right hook to his jaw. [ The poor kid goes down like AOL stock after the Time-Warner merger. Contents: An upcoming demotion to Private, your stuff in a box. ] Ach. Would have preferred a clock to the back of the head, it'd hurt less in the morning, but ye cannae reason with youth. [ He doesn't argue on account of being unconscious. ] * Magellan moves aside and by the box so other people can get in. [ It doesn't take long to reequip yourselves back to 'normal'. ] * Mark puts his glasses on, "Much better." * Magellan taps his bird. "At last, hearin' again." * Khyra adjusts her traveling pack, makes sure her throwing knives are secure (yes, she has a pair in wrist braces and one in each boot), and finishes pinning her hair up. "I feel much better now. I wonder where they took our horses." * Maimun 's 'equipping back to normal' involves putting on a very nice red and silver belt, taking a goodly nunmber of knives, and a curved sword-like thing. * Magellan grabs his wrench and makes his way out of the room! * Theodore collects his stuff as well. All the while muttering, "How in the devil am I going to clear my name?" His stuff is nothing you wouldn't expect. His pistol and the few other belongings he had outside of his trunk. * Mark has his gun, and and a several small metal cylinders, and a bunch of less interesting bits of metal and a few tools, "The green kid made you do it?" * Maimun finishes stuffing his stuff about his body, then sighs, and says, "And now we have to escape from a jail. With all this strange magic, I do wish a little more would fall our way. Perhaps the door could lead right to Imad." [ One of Maimun's pockets glows. Briefly. ] * Khyra notices the glow. "Try it." [ Contents: That poor kid, Deus ex Door-ina. ] * Mark shakes his head, "need my truck... and it won't fit through the door without a lot of work." Not through. Out. * Theodore opens the door. [ Through the door is a quiet cartwright's shop. Inside is Mark's truck, Magellan's cart, and all assorted animal accoutrements. It smells of hay. The time appears to be late afternoon. ] [ From the smell/sound, Magellan recognizes it as the Smithstadt. ] [ Strike the wagon! ] * Magellan takes a deeep sniff. "... I know where we be." * Khyra peers into the room beyond. "Where?" * Mark blinks at his truck, "Oh..." The Smithstadt. Home, fer lack of a better word. * Maimun walks into the shop. "As long as it is not the jail, I will somehow adapt." (any of us heard of it before?) * Khyra follows Maimun. "Can we stay here until tomorrow without being discovered?" (Smithstadt? Theo might recognize it as a big blacksmith section of Stromgarde, but probably not anyone else.) (Mark's a little too provencal.) * Mark nods his head absently at Mags and then climbs into the back of his truck, rumaging noises can be heard. * Magellan walks into the room, and closes his eyes. He seems to be reminiscing, and as such is unreachable by earthly means. * Theodore nods and walks through. "Not a bad place to be." * Khyra sighs as the old man seems to have gone deaf again. Better than where we were, at least. (Everyone walked through?) (Yes.) (I think so) [ The door shuts behind you, and on doing so becomes the shop's rear door. Outside you can see the alley. But that's a story for another time, because session end!]