Gaming Reflections · Narrative in Games · Sexuality in gaming

Me and Bobby l’Cie

So earlier today on Twitter, Denis Farr and I were discussing how mages in the Dragon Age universe have a lot of queer readings, especially in the sense of political queerness in the 70s/80s. In the process I mentioned that I got a similar vibe from the much-maligned cast of Final Fantasy 13, specifically the relationship between "fal'Cie" (power… Continue reading Me and Bobby l’Cie

Games Criticism · Gendered gaming · Rants · Sexification

She’s Got the Look

So Bryce Mainville wrote a short piece last week about suggestions for overhauling the design of Street Fighter 4's main cast. It's a quick read, and not all that controversial; most of the suggestions are relatively mild changes, but I found the entire post thought-provoking and wanted to elaborate on my thoughts on the subject in general,… Continue reading She’s Got the Look